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Jackson-Stops Jackson-Stops - Woburn are an Estate Agent in Woburn, Bedfordshire
1 Market Place, Woburn, MK17 9PZ
  • In the last 12 months they have listed 90 properties, with 41% sold STC.
  • Their average asking price is £879K.
  • The majority of their properties are Detached with 5+ & 3 bedrooms.
  • They have reduced 32% of their properties by an average of 6.1%.
  • They have received an average of 4.6
    from 22 Google reviews
Agent Jackson-Stops Michael Graham Brown & Merry Beasley & Partners Redrow Croudace Homes OnPlan Dandara Ltd Fine Homes Property Bloor Homes
0.0 km
Woburn Sands
3.0 km
Woburn Sands
3.1 km
Woburn Sands
3.2 km
4.2 km
4.9 km
4.9 km
5.2 km
Great Brickhill
5.3 km
5.5 km
Jackson-Stops Michael Graham Brown & Merry Beasley & Partners Redrow Croudace Homes OnPlan Dandara Ltd Fine Homes Property Bloor Homes
1 Market Place
MK17 9PZ
2 Aspley Hill
Woburn Sands
Woburn Sands
MK17 8NJ
9 High Street
Woburn Sands
MK17 8RG
6 High Street
Woburn Sands
MK17 8RL
Newport Road
Woburn Sands
MK17 8UD
Station Road
Bow Brickhill
Milton Keynes
Buckinghamshire MK17 9JU
Holt House Farm
Lower End Road
MK17 8AN
Pine View
Duck End
Great Brickhill
MK17 9AP
Wavendon Green
Wavendon Golf Club
Off Fen Roundabout
MK17 8EW
Listings 90 68 87 140 12 4 37 36 79 66
Market Share 14% 10% 14% 22% 1% 0% 5% 5% 12% 10%
Sold STC 41% 32% 30% 29% 0% 0% 19% 0% 51% 0%
Asking Prices
Average asking price 879K 916K 399K 590K 692K 606K 504K 530K 715K 477K
Listings with asking price reductions 32% 29% 28% 33% 33% 0% 35% 28% 20% 23%
Avg asking price reduction 6.1% 5.7% 4.0% 6.7% 2.8% 0.0% 5.5% 0.5% 7.5% 1.1%
Google Reviews
4.6 from
22 reviews
4.9 from
28 reviews
4.5 from
44 reviews
5.0 from
46 reviews
3.0 from
1 reviews
4.0 from
8 reviews
Property Types


  • Semi-Detached

  • Terraced

  • Bungalow

  • Flat

  • Retirement Property

  • Other



  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5+